Tuesday, August 21, 2012


is it weird that I just cannot wait for September 10th to get here so I can start torturing myself?

get your Beachbody

Ok, it's that time again. Starting September 10th, I will be running another 30 day challenge. There isn't a magic pill out there - it's all about HARD WORK and DEDICATION. It's so easy to fall off weight loss regimens when you don't have group accountability, someone MAKING you get your workout in and checking on your daily eats.

The time is NOW to get into this challenge and COMMIT to getting in sh
ape. Don't slack just because it's almost Fall, which comes with hoodies and sweats, I want YOU to look your BEST! Let's do this together. 30 days of fitness, nutrition and motivation from me and the other challengers.

My last challenge filled up super fast!! Reserve your spot now by messaging me for more information of commenting on this post. Space is limited! Let's do this!


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


We all do it and say it:  "Oh.. I worked out today, I can totally eat this ice cream cone. These chips. These seven cookies."
This totally reverses everything you worked so hard for! Reward yourself with something even better like new clothes (my latest obsession is LuLu Lemon).  When I hit a goal, I give myself the OK to spend money there for a new pair of the most amazing workout cropped pants EVER.. the Wonder Under Crops (or anything else I "need").  If you haven't discovered LuLu Lemon, save your money before you go rewarding yourself!!

If you need other ideas - contact me, I'd love to help!
Coach Jill

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Food for Thought

Just a little visual.
Helps to think about getting the most out of what you eat.  You will feel fuller on 400 calories of veggies compared to 400 calories of chicken or fat.

Honestly, I have a hard time eating veggies - I'm not a big salad maker and find the veggies I buy tend to go bad fast than I can eat them.  Fruit is easier for me.  in order to make up for this, I drink Shakeology - it helps ensure that I'm getting all the veggies and nutrients my body craves.. plus it's all in a super yummy shake!  Who doesn't like that??  :)  If you'd like more information on Shakeology,  contact me.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Love Exercise

You have to love it if you're going to stick with it!
I'd love to help you find your soulmate workout - contact me and we'll find one that you'll love and look forward to doing each and everyday.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Keep Pushing

When you think you can't push through any more - just think about all the people who love and support you....
If that doesn't work think about all those haters and keep pushing to make them all jealous!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

3 Day Shakeology Jump Start Cleanse

I've just wrapped up day two of my three day cleanse. I'll post my results on Saturday after I get on the scale.
Honestly, it hasn't been too rough.  I've made my dinner salads nice and large and satisfying and I feel good!

I add more fruit to my day than what is listed here and there are no stead and fast rules to this.  It is just about cleaning out your body and jump starting your metabolism.  I plan on hitting my workouts really hard next week and I'm sure I'm going to see faster, better results from doing this.

I do not recommend doing the cleanse more than 4 times a year as your caloric intake is really low.  I also don't recommend any crazy workouts during these three days.

If you have questions or would like more information, you can contact me!

Results are in and I lost a total of SIX pounds from my 3 day cleanse!! Not too shabby!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Just a Number

As a woman, I know it's hard to not obsess about the number that scale shows.
Really, my only piece of advice is that if you must weight yourself:


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fit Girl

Do you know where you want your fitness level to be?  Is it in your head?  Have you said it out loud?  Have you taken the next step and written it down?  Writing down your goals makes them real.

I like to make boards of the goals I want to obtain.
Right now, at the top of my list is losing 10 - yes, I said it - TEN pounds.
Totally do able.
You with me?


Just because it made me laugh.
But, seriously - don't be a Negative Nelly!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Don't Give Up

I know.  It isn't always easy.
We all have days - maybe even a few in a row that we just don't feel like working out.  Days where we'd rather not get out of PJs.  Days where the motivation is just no where to be found.  I get it.  I've been there.  I lose my motivation too.
But, it doesn't mean that you can't find it again.  The great thing about working out is that it will always be there waiting for you.
Just don't give up all together.  Don't think that just because you've skipped a day or two (or 5) means that you can't get right back into it.

Just Don't Give Up.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Keep Moving

I love to feel the burn!
Let me help you find the fitness program that you'll love too!
Contact me today!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Love Yourself

All this talk about exercise I think can be a little misleading....

Don't get me wrong - I am one of the those girls that would like to be thinner.. and while I do work on that quite a bit, I also work on loving myself the way I am.
When I look in the mirror I try not to concentrate on the things I wish would change and more on the things I love about me.
When I work out, that's when I concentrate on the things I wish would change.  :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Keep Moving

I don't know what Johnny Depp was talking about when he said this, however I think it applies well to fitness.
You cannot let others get into your head when you make the decision to make life changes.  Just like you can't do it for someone else.  The others don't matter.
Do it for you and kick all the Negative Nellies to the curb!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Rinse and Repeat

In case you haven't caught on by now, I'm a HUGE fan of being your own biggest fan! Wait, does that make sense?  Well, whatever, you know what I mean.  :)

We all need little reminders that we're wonderful and while it would be nice to have your mom reminding every day like she did when you were five, that's just not an option for most.

You have to be in charge of you and your motivation.  We all know we're wonderful - we just need to remind ourselves.

So, tell yourself today, tomorrow and next week.
Then, do it again.

You Can

You can either be your biggest obstacle or your biggest fan.
Keep pushing yourself and you'll find that you, in fact, CAN do this.
And I can help you.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Best You

I'm a true believe in constantly working to better yourself.

I will always be a work in progress.
That doesn't mean that I'm unhappy with where I am right now, it just means that I set goals and work towards them. Constantly.

What goals are you working towards right now?

Mine are short term as I have a couple trips planned that I want to look and feel great on.  So I've got a goal of dropping a pant size by my trip to the Bahamas in early March.
Who's with me?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Stay Positive

If you are constantly telling yourself you "can't do something" eventually you're going to start believing it.  You would not tell your best friend or your child that, so why would talk to yourself like that?
Be your biggest fan!
Talk yourself up!
If you can't do it - contact me and I'll be your biggest fan!!  :)